Price: 2 azn
Scope: 1 qutu/12 ədəd
Apple nectar is low in calories, contains a lot of iron (useful for anemia of the body), and has a miraculous capacity to remove kidney stones (calorizer). Pectic substances that apple nectar is rich with, act as adsorbents and purify the human body from toxins.
Due to a large number of trace substances contained in apple nectar, it is especially useful for skin, nails, and hair. It prevents and treats catarrhal diseases, flu and intestinal infections.
Apple nectar contains a very large amount of pectin, which creates a jelly medium in the intestine. This jelly absorbs various toxins, and also activates the bowels. Therefore, apple nectar - acts as a regulator of the bowels. It is recommended against constipation or indigestion. Apple nectar is used for joint inflammation, arthritis, liver and kidney failures, constipation and digestive disorders, as well as weight loss.